Gardening & Growth started out in 2021 with just a few people coming together to do what they love. With interest spread around, we know that it will continue to grow into a thriving ministry.
Our focus is caring for the church grounds by creating beautiful landscapes that provide spaces for prayer, meditation and contemplation. Our dedicated members enjoy meeting often for different events and activities. Passion and enthusiasm go hand-in-hand with everything we do.
Our door is always open to new members, no matter their experience level. We invite all from St. Louis and beyond. Come join us at our next event — we’d love to have you!
For more information, please contact us:
2022 landscape planning has started! Landscaping phases have been created to allow us to renovate the grounds by priority. More information will be posted here when available.
We are always looking for those who love to get their hands dirty! If you love gardening, we have a great group of people who would love to welcome you!
"Green Beauty and Rolling Bloom"
As with anything, there is almost always cost associated. Same is true with gardening! While we try to be frugal with our expenses, the following are a few of the items we would like to purchase this year: gardening tools, mulch, fertilizer, hoses, flowers/seeds.
If you are able to financially contribute, any amount would be greatly appreciated. Please visit the "DONATE" button above, and put "Gardening & Growth" in the comment section. If you wish to contribute by check, please write Gardening & Growth in the memo and put your check in the offering or mail it to the church.
We also welcome the contribution of healthy, zone appropriate flowers.